Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Peanut Update

Well, I got bad news last Thursday that my wonderful Urine test came back positive for protein, which means that I have Preeclampsia. Right now, it is pretty mild, but it is one of those weird things that can progress quickly. Typically, the affect of preeclampsia is a small baby because they are not getting enought nutrients because of the high blood pressure, clearly not an issue with Peanut. The only way to "cure" PE is to have the baby delivered. Right now our goal is to make it to the month of May before we deliver, this will get us to 37 weeks where her lungs will be much more developed and she wont' be considered a preemie. I am also going to have the "non-stress" tests twice a week so they know immediately if Peanut is under any kind of stress. Should my blood pressure change significantly or the non-stress tests come back bad (I don't really know if bad is the right word) they will induce me so that both of us stay healthy. So my Doctor advised me to have a reduced work schedule, working 1/2 of the day from work and1/2 the day from home. I thought this sounded like a great idea as with a hotel laptop, I can basically perform about 90% of my job duties. My boss, however, thought this was a terrible idea and is fighting it as much as she can. It is really dissapointing that after 10 years with the Hyatt this is how I am being treated. I have another meeting tomorrow with the powers that be, and we will see what happens.

Peanut has been moving around a lot, which is a good sign, recently it has felt like a cat laying on my stomach pawing at me. She doesn't kick as much, but is definitley my little wiggle worm. She just needs to stay put for 2 more weeks and we can meet her! :)


Unknown said...

hang in there and be tough., Don't let the boss get to you. This is a small hiccup in the journey to get the peanut here healthy

Jeannette said...

Keep Peanut in there as long as possible. Every day they're in there helps their little lungs develop even more. Charlie was 7 weeks early, he had to live in the hospital for 5 weeks, then we had a heart monitor that he had to wear for 4 more months. Trust me, your boss will be even more pissed off if you have to take more time off to deal with that kind of stuff.

Hang in there though, sounds like you're getting close to having a healthy, happy baby girl. You'll forget about how hard all this seems once you get to see her cute little face. Yay!