Monday, February 22, 2010

Mystery Pics...

I always laugh after Ryan gets ahold of my camera....found these today.....
He has his Daddy's eyes...
Big smile..
Then there are these....which are quite artistic

These are our Christmas lights...but I sure can't tell what is behind them...


The weather in Seattle this winter has been very mild...and no snow. We have been lucky over the past week to have sunny skies with a temperature of 60 degrees. Yesterday we thought we would take Lexi outside and put her in the was hysterical. She was not such a fan...she really couldn't figure out what to do, she was so confused!
She would reach down and touch it and pull her hand right looks pretty red in this pic huh?
Lexi has been pulling herself up on furniture for a while now, but this past weekend we tried standing her up and letting her go. She has picked that up really fast. Here she is standing all on her own. She can now do it for about a minute....but she does have to concentrate! I think she is standing out of fear of having to touch the grass.
Mommy....I don't really like this grass stuff....can I go back inside??

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Pictures by Ryan

Lexi and Ryan just LOVE each other. They both light up when the other walks (or crawls) in the room....perfect example....
Ryan LOVES to take pictures of are some fun ones....
(more fingers in the mouth)

My Mornings with Daddy....(guest blog by Lexi)

Daddy and I get to spend our mornings together...and for those of you who don't know...babies are like batteries....once they are done, they are done. When they are charged.....they are SUPER many mornings...I am SUPER happy and energetic while Daddy is still a little sleepy. Here is me being a cheese ball in the morning.
I am standing on everything these days...if I can pull myself up on something...I will!
I don't have any teeth yet (much to Mommy's dismay), but I sure like to put my fingers and hands in my mouth!
Wide Right!

There we go!
Oh Yeah!

Daddy and Mommy have a bet....Daddy thinks I will be walking by March 1st....Mommy says (with an eye roll) "we'll see". To be continued.....

I LOVE my mornings with Daddy (and sometime with Ryan), he makes me really happy, smiley and giggly. Sometimes, I even like to bite his nose...yes, it is a Lexi/Daddy game, but deal with is our "thing".

More Baby Food....

Never (NEVER!) in a million years did I ever imagine that I would be making my own baby food. I always thought that only "hippie granola" types would make their own baby food. Until you are a parent and you see how much grocery stores charge for baby your hippie granola here...nope, I am just plain old cheap!
I have made my own baby food before, but I have always used my "mini" food basically it takes me a LONG time to make the baby food. Well, I asked Mom to come over with her "big" food processor so we could make some baby food on Super bowl Sunday and...well....I got a little carried away by the thought of the Mammoth food processor...
5 lb bag of carrots
4lbs of Green Beans
4 lbs of Peas
4 lbs of sweet potatoes
4 lbs of Yams

It is hard to do an "apples to apples" comparison because pounds and ounces don't compare to fluid ounces that we purchase in baby food. But all I know is that I spent $16 at the grocery store for the aforementioned products and I think I saved probably $60-$70 from buying baby food at the grocery store. Now...I went to WSU and all...but even I know that I am saving money. :) is probably more healthy and nutritious than processed baby food....there..the hippie/granola momma in me speaks!

Grandma's Birthday

Well, Grandma Cass had a birthday recently....we won't say which one...but the Witt clan plu G'ma got together for a dinner at Canyons in Monroe. It was a weeknight, so it was pretty mellow, but we had a good time hanging out together...Happy Birthday Mom and Grandma! :)

Friday, February 5, 2010

Miss Personality

Ryan feeding Lexi and me feeding Lexi lead to two totally different levels of cleanliness. Ryan feeding her looks like this....
With a side of smiles...

Here is our happy girl!
She is crawling EVERYWHERE...Mobile Mabel is what we are calling her
I think this picture is very odd.....I think she looks like me in this picture.....well...minus the squash on my face.

Our little smiley

The one thing we hear constantly (believe me, I don't want to jinx this, and am seriously debating actually writing this) is what a happy baby Lexi is. She is just so FUN, anytime that i have a bad day, she does something adorable. One day, I picked her up from daycare and she reached up and hugged me...then she pulled back...looked me in the face....then put both hands on the sides of my face and kissed me. I have never had such a fantastic "welcome home from work mommy" feeling. Here are some smiley moments from January...

I am constantly amazed at Ryan, he has handled the addition to our family so well, he is absolutely amazing with Lexi. Lexi lights up when he walks in the room and vice versa. Before she was born, I was worried about Ryan being jealous or feeling resentment, and never has the thoguht even crossed his mind. He is an amazing kid.
I have quite a few videos of Ryan playing basketball (which he has been doing quite well at...I might add), but OF COURSE, I can't get them uploaded. I will keep trying and eventually persevere.