Friday, January 23, 2009

The count down is on....

Thanks for the link Katye! I have added the count down to Peanut's arrival on the side of the blog page...only 118 days to go!

On the subject here is the latest update...

I am almost to my third trimester if you can believe it! I think the first trimester went by really slow and the second has gone by pretty quick.

I am definitely in maternity clothes now, it is quite evident that I am "with child" lol. Haven't gotten on a scale lately and don't really intend to, but I think I am in line with where I should be. (I say that not having any real idea!)

Now that we know Peanut is a girl, she has acquired a couple more nicknames...Lil Miss Pea and SweetPea. She is moving around a lot these days, there is always some gurgling of one kind or another in my abdomen (insert gas joke here Katie). Derek has felt her kick, it is still pretty weak, but getting stronger by the day. I was sitting in a meeting yesterday and got a definitive "kick" from her, it actually startled me, but didn't hurt.

What has been hurting is the is a killer! It has been pretty constant for about the past 2 weeks. I have a stash of Tums at home, in my desk and in my purse so they are available at all times. My stash ran out this week at work and it was a very painful experience. Sorry mom, the Walmart tums are just not the same!

I am in full baby gear mode, when I am not wanting to work or sitting at home, I have been reading a lot about different products...cribs, strollers, car seats etc. etc. There is SO much that you have to get and different safety factors to consider. I have been reading a book that helps determine what is worth spending money on and if the more expensive brands are really worth it. In most cases they aren't, you are just paying more money for the brand name.

We still haven't decided on a name, so by all means comment with any suggestions! Just because we aren't going reveal the favorite doesn't mean we are not open to suggestions. :)

That's the update...getting more and more excited by the day.

1 comment:

Katye said...

Rock on! The "Baby Ticker" looks great!