Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Basketball Fun...

Ryan had his first basketball game last Saturday in his new basketball league. He has graduated from the YMCA league and is now at the boys and girls club. The game was out in Monroe at 9am...that means we leave our house by about 8am...I demand a latte (decaf of course), Derek gets a Pepsi and we are on our way. The game Saturday was a good one and ended up tying in overtime.

Above is Ryan in warm ups. Below is him shooting free throws. Notice the clap when he misses the first one...he is not competitive or anything! :) Derek thinks the follow through on the second one is just great!

Watching the parents at the basketball games is always entertaining...these are 8 year olds and they get into it! Though thinking back, I remember being pretty serious about my 100 yard freestyle relay in the 8 and under category at summer swim league.

On a random side note....I saw the BEST MULLET EVER on an 8 year old that was playing in the next game. Business in the front....Party in the back. Sorry that I don't have a picture of it to share with you.

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