Wednesday, June 10, 2009

One month in...

Lexi is one month old, so I thought I would give you an overview of our month as a family of four. :)

~Lexi attended 4 little league games watching big brother play in the playoffs.
~She was originally 8lbs 3 oz, and lost quite a bit of weight, down to 7lbs 4 ounces. Last Thursday she was back up to 8lbs 1 oz, hopefully at her weigh in tomorrow she will be back up to her birth weight.
~Lexi loves baths! She is quite content lounging in the "tub" (aka the kitchen sink), and taking it all in.
~Her eyes are currently blue, but that can change for up to a year....I think.
~Lexi has gotten to meet all of her Grandparents! She has met Auntie Katie and Uncle Rob.....just have Uncle Chad and Auntie Katye to go!
~Lexi had her first photo shoot.
~Lexi has pretty good neck strength, she can lift her head up pretty good and move it from side to side when she is laying on her stomach.
~Lexi rolled over from her stomach to her back! I thought it was a fluke until she did it again! :)
~Lexi sticks her tongue out at her dad...good habit to start
~Lexi does NOT like her crib.....we are working on that one this week.
~We have had a couple of smiles.....sometimes they are gas related, but we will take what we can get.
~She has gotten more and more alert making facial expressions and starting to focus on things in front of her.
~Lexi is really good at spitting up on a clean outfit after a bath.
~She has been in to visit Mommy's friends at work
~Lexi loves her carseat, stroller and riding in the car
~She has just this week found her thumb and put it in her mouth....not consistently, but she is not far off.
~She holds her binkie in her she flipped it out of her mouth with one finger and promptly started screaming.
~We think she is a pretty good sleeper....3-4 hour stretches are nothing to complain about.
~Breastfeeding has been an adventure....if you are interested in me. :)

Derek, Ryan and I have all fallen in love with our little Alexis, she has been such a great addition to our family, we are excited to watch her grow and shower her with love.


Unknown said...

I was thinking about you this morning and that she might be 1 month old now! Congrats! Keep having fun with her!

cass said...

What a sweet blog about my grandaughter written by her sweet Mom who fell in love with her the moment she was born

Katie said...

You forgot the one about how she likes to poop her pants while sitting on her auntie's lap!! :)