Friday, June 26, 2009


It seems as if our lives are always changing! Derek and I made the decision that we need to move again...the house we are in won't work for the winter time. When we moved in our landlord told us that the daylight basement was the "warmest in the winter and coolest in the summer", so we put our master bedroom down there, along with Lexi's nursery.....big the winter it was FREEZING!! We can't stay there with Lexi for the next year and our lease is up at the end of July....soooo we decided to move.

The next question was where to move...we talked to Ryan's mom and she agreed that if we moved out to Monroe, we would be able to have 50/50 custody of Ryan, having him 3 days a week one week and 4 days a week the next. This is the same schedule that her step children are on, so it seems to work for everyone. The commute is going to be a bit longer for me, but I am hoping to transfer to the Hyatt in Bellevue in the next year or so, so that will cut down on the commute a bit.

We found a great house to rent in a very family friendly neighborhood in below!
Here are the exterior shots...pardon the trash was garbage day! Notice that there are plenty of places for my husband "aka Clark Griswold" to hang Christmas lights!
Below is the kitchen, with a full size stove mom! :) My last two places of residence have had 3/4 sized stoves...much to Mom's dismay.
Below is the Living room, which we are debating making the master bedroom...we will have to see!
Back Patio leading into the living room/master bedroom.
Backyard, on the other side of the fence is a greenbelt/walking trail.
What we can't do in our backyard, there is a park about 20 yards away from our house with lots of grass and slides...perfect to entertain Lexi when she gets a little bigger.

1 comment:

Kristi Kendall said...

Congratulations!! I am sad that we will be living even further away from each other but I am so happy for you, Derek, Ryan & Lexi!