Tuesday, May 19, 2009

12 Days in.

We are 12 days into Lexi's life and adjusting as we go along. The sleeping has been getting better, the past two nights I have been able to sleep in my bed with her next to me. She had gotten some kind of cold or sniffles so I was worried about her sleeping on her stomach...when she is on her back, she can sneeze easier....that was my rationale anyways. :) She has been spitting up a lot too, which I guess is normal. I have been able to sleep in 2-4 hour stretches at night, which I think is pretty good!

Derek went back to work last Wednesday, only to be laid off. Sign of the times I guess. The bad news is he isn't getting a paycheck, the good news is he has been able to be home and spend time with Lexi and I, which I am really happy about. He has been a big help, I have been able to get naps during the day and showers too.

I will post pictures next time, Grandpa Witt and his wife Vonda are coming to visit on Friday for Memorial day weekend, we are very excited for Lexi to meet them! After that, Grandma Witt is coming the following weekend, Ryan will be here the next 3 weekends as well, so we will have a full house the next few weeks.

We did venture outside on Saturday, we went to Ryan's baseball game in Monroe, Lexi did have to feed in the middle of it, so we missed about 1 1/2 hours of the game. Ryan is supposed to have a game today, but it is rainy and we anticipate it being cancelled.

Breastfeeding is getting better, she is eating for much longer stretches of time(sometimes an hour and a half), so hopefully that means she is gaining weight. We have her two week check up on Thursday, so hopefully we will get good news that she is getting enough to eat. Given her parents, I am surprised eating is an issue....lol.

Thats is what is going on with us, it is baby baby baby right now, and she is totally worth it. She is a very sweet baby and we love her to pieces.

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