Tuesday, December 30, 2008

It's a GIRL!!!

Derek and I are VERY excited to announce that we are having a GIRL!!! The ultrasound and doctor appointment went well, she is big and healthy! She weighs about 13 ounces...almost a pound, and she is in the 76th percentile. They are thinking the due date might be about 5 days earlier than expected, but they aren't changing the "official" due date just quite yet.

The first picture below is the 10 week ultrasound...it is amazing how much SHE (he he he) has grown.

Now the 20 week pictures....I like the profile picture below, because you can see pretty clearly the head (to the right) and the butt (to the left) with the leg sticking up.

This one is cool to....she is giving us the "thumbs up" sign...it looks like thumbs down...but she is upside down...sooooo thumbs up it is!!!!

The ultrasound appointment was definitely a highlight! They took video and pictures for about 30 minutes. It was so cool to be able to see her...she stayed put and gave us the definitive "girl" shot and a few profile pics, then she started moving around like crazy...probably because she was tired of getting poked! :) I was sad when she stopped...I could have watched the baby move around all day.
As for me...I have gained 10 pounds, which is right where I should be, not too much, not too little. All of our tests and bloodwork have come back clear of any diseases or complications...no down syndrome or cystic fibrosis etc. Derek and I are just happy to know that Peanut is a little girl and healthy as can be. Thanks to everyone for your love and support!


Jeffinseatown said...

That is awesome news! Seeing those pictures reminds me of when Aidan was born and how excited I was...plus, you have proof that I was right along with a good number of others. :) It is also great that Derek will have a live-in mascot as a Lady Dolphin (more the Lady part than the Dolphin, but you get what I mean). I guess your side of the family needs more women and Ryan needs a little sister to keep him in check. Only 17 or so years until Derek gets to assert his fatherly protection...the clock is ticking! Congratulations!

Kristi Kendall said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! So excited for you, Derek & Ryan! Plus I am so glad that I guess right! 50/50 chance but still I guess girl! Have a great NYE!

Tom and Celaine said...

How Wonderful! I guess we are to have the boys' in the family and you are to have the girls. Congratulations to you both.