Thursday, February 5, 2009

3D is cool!

So every job has it's job, I can get my friends upgrades and discounts on hotel rooms. Chad can probably get someone a "behind the scenes" look at a movie set. My Mom, however, got us a free 3D ultrasound. Each perk has it's time and place, and my Mom has been waiting 20+ years to cash hers here are the results!
The ultrasound tech started off taking pics similar to those we have had before, she took all kind of body measurements and different angles. We all kind of thought that she had forgotten about the 3D part, but she was just taking her time with the measurements. She then would "crop" a section of one of the 2D pictures and then it would convert to 3D. My pictures below are pictures of pictures, so they are not so clear, but we have the DVD that is much clearer for those of you interested.
Peanut was really active, she was moving her hands in front of her face...just enough to blur some of the We got a live action Yawn which just made my heart melt. I didn't know babies could yawn without any air! After a while, she just got tired of us invading her space and put both arms up in front of her face like she has had enough with the pictures already! :) Overall it was a very fun experience.....thanks Mom!!
Who do you think she looks like? In the pic above, it looks like she has Derek's chin and my chipmunk cheeks. She also looks a little like Ryan in his baby pics.
This is her leaning on her arm.
Sorry they are a bit blurry.


Anonymous said...

wow, that is crazy! I had no idea the technology existed. Too cool!

Katye said...

Those are cool pictures, Emily!