Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Thanks to my wonderful sister Katie, I am updating the blog! Sorry for the absence. I guess I am a much more creative writer when I have pictures to comment on! Guess what is at the top of my Christmas wish list? Yup...a new camera. This is where Derek and I differ...he wants a big flat screen TV. Let's see who wins this battle! LOL.

20 Years Ago
I was 11, enjoying 5th grade at Silver Lake Elementary School....What I most remember about 5th grade is that this is the year we got our first lockers! Mine was number 73...hence my favorite number. Little known fact about is still my favorite number to this day. :)

10 Years ago
I spent the Fall semester of my senior year of college in Europe, I went to school at the International college of Hospitality Administration that partnered with WSU. I went to Brig with 4 other WSU students, one of which was a Japanese Exchange student who provided us oodles of entertainment. This is what Brig looked like:It was a beautiful place to go to school. We were in class Monday through noon on Thursday, so me and my travel buddies would get on a train, usually in the early afternoon. I traveled all through Europe, my favorite spots were: Cinque Terre in Italy, Rome, Venice, Paris, Barcelona, and London (though...not necessarily my company in London! LOL)
5 Years Ago
I was at the tail end of my 2 years in New York City, my friend Shannon got married on September 25th and I combined that trip to Seattle with a job interview at the Grand Hyatt Seattle. Little did I know that by the end of October I would be 26 and temporarily living with my Mother (thanks by the way!). I started at the Front Desk in Mid-October and have been here ever since.
3 Years Ago
I was living in Leschi, on the lake, loving life! I was managing the biggest department in the hotel with housekeeping customer service scores in the top 3 in all of the domestic Hyatt Hotels. My good friend was a little Chinese lady named Tiet who is short in stature and talks louder and faster than anyone I have ever met. She kept me sane through that job. I still had not met Derek, which meant I was spending lots of time with my buddy Scottie at the Bluwater Bistro. Ahh the good ole days.
1 Year ago
Just having celebrated our wedding and honeymoon, Derek and I were settling in as newlweds. Turns out my Mom had way too much fun dancing at our wedding and her knee was in bad shape. She made the decision to have total knee replacement surgery and the recovery for this is long, painful and not fun in any way shape or form. Trying to figure out how best to help Mom recover, we thought it would be best if she moved into our spare bedroom. She was a trooper, I never want to see either of my parents in that much pain again, but it is fair to say the surgery was a success and she is in far less knee pain than she was before. Needless to say...first month married....with the mother / mother-in-law living with you...not so much fun.
Still working for the Hyatt (nothing changes), I have been with Hyatt for 9 years now, have enjoyed living in San Francisco, New York and Seattle. My career certainly has had its twists and turns, but I find enjoyment in each of the new challenges I face. I am very happily married to my husband Derek, he is my rock and I am so happy we found each other (thank you myspace, thank you Kristi). I love my stepson Ryan, he is in between sports right now, but gearing up for winter basketball and his role of Lady Dolphin Water boy!
Not sure what is going to happen tomorrow....that's why we live each day right????
1 Year from now
Ummm. Let's see here....what will be happening in a year?? I would venture to say more of the same. ;)
I am tagging my friends with blogs....Kristi (when you get back from vacay!), Charlotte, Chad and Katye! You are it!

1 comment:

Katie said...

More of the same? Interesting way to word that...:)