Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Elvis has left the building.....

Ahhh....the much awaited Elvis pictures! This year was a bit different than the past few years. Derek and I have to go straight from practice/work and we basically have to haul ass to get there before they start trick or treating, we got to them when they were on their second house. Not to bad. :) The past few years it has been Ryan and his step-brother and sister. This year it was the entire (league champion) Trenton Thunder baseball team. Another sign that Ryan is growing up, it was "Hi Dad, Hi Em, Bye Dad, Bye Em" and off he went! I will put pictures up a bit later of the Monroe neighborhood, but I am running out of time....Enjoy Elvis, he looked Awesome!!

At each house, he said in his best Elvis voice "Thank you...Thank you very much"
The leisure suit was so perfect, he has the perfect proportions to make it look good!

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