Sunday, September 7, 2008

Anniversary Trip....

Derek and I didn't think we were going to be able to take a trip for our 1st anniversary, but about July, we decided to return to our favorite place from our honeymoon, Kauai Hawaii. Since my camera is still broken, I am including some pictures from our trip last year. The visions are all the same, but we were a bit slimmer back then. :)

Pretty sunset dinner
Poipu golf course, Derek enjoyed playing golf one day while I got a lomi lomi massage at the hotel spa!

I think in the 5 days we were at the hotel, we went down this slide aprroximately 452 times.

The hotel has a cool saltwater lagoon

Shocking....Derek with a beer. lol

1 comment:

Katie said...

What's a lomi lomi massage? Sounds kinky!! ;) Was that last year or this year that you had one?